Rockstar Records turns 20! Holy shit – time flies, amirite?
To celebrate this, we managed to catch some really great bands who will play at our festival next month (October, 6th at AZ Aachen).
Yay us!
One of them are the always awesome MISCALCULATIONS who will play their first and exclusive Germany show ever.
In addition, our new friends from Tel Aviv, the SWEATSHOP BOYS and from Helsinki, the VAN DAMMES will be participating in our little revelry and will perform their amazing live sets. Don’t miss this!
שלום and Hei!
Also, THE LOST TAPES will present their new ass-kicking songs and there will be a raffle and some beautiful silkscreens and rare records and you can drink cheap beer and play foosball and buy T-shirts and so on and so forth. It’s gonna be wild!
Meanwhile – enjoy this pretty little teaser…